The most common saying is "First deserve then desire". This is best for the people who have clear goals in life,

Our desires have no end and they are countless .

Our mind shuffles from one wish to another

People expect good luck to meet at every turn of life . And fortune determinedly refuses to meet them…

Some years before on a relaxing evening chat, one of my colleague pointed out on a beautiful women in our company and popped up with a question…” Common tell me to get her married and lead a happy life, what one should have?” sounds a little crazy still he could get relatively avalanche of answers…..Starting from being smart, money, Manliness, Open mindedness, Car, Home blah blah blah and the list never seem to end…

And he smiled wisely and said…Common buddies first of all she has to love you, Yes just read his question again, he was insisting on leading a happy life…

So how does the above incident gets related to this post…” One should always be aware of what should I deserve before have an desire”
 Literally am not going to preach anything here, since being a human I too don’t deserve many still have lot of desire but the idea is to see through these things shortly

Money ,love, power , popularity , beauty and peace are the object most universally desired by human but none of these blessing has ever come to an human until he deserves it through endless efforts.

Anyone can become rich if they are willing for hard labors but to receive love one must learn to cultivating the noblest virtues like sacrifice, self-denial and endurance.

Power will exist in only with one who has both honesty in personality and quality that is productive,

Popularity is a package offer for who can craft themselves and make them well received by others in whatever they do and achieve group consensus

Beauty is more and outcome of care and culture than a utter nature.

One enjoys spiritual peacefulness when pain has purified one's soul.

Happiness has never been something which one can look for it on every corner, it comes when we strive steadily towards whatever we wish for!!! Yes it is within us as always told

A sensible person must make a self-analysis and assess how much he deserve the thing he deserves.

Hence next time when we listen to “Deserve and Desire” we shall ensure I will desire on only what I Deserve”

சிலர் அல்லும் பகலும் வெறும் கல்லாய் இருந்துவிட்டு அதிர்ஷ்டம் இல்லை என்று அலட்டி கொண்டார் - பட்டுக்கோட்டை கல்யாணசுந்தரம் 

G Srimanikandan - Am What Am
With a Lot of Desire to Deserve What I desire...
G Srimanikandan


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